Wednesday, August 11, 2010

7.5km Running

Perhaps my body hasn't recovered from yesterday sprint training.  It ended up achieving a heart rate of 170++ after the 3km mark! Guess fatigue does affect a runners ability to run afterall :)

Well, at least I confirmed that my previous max heart rate of 174 was not my limit as  I achived my new Max Heat rate of 180.

Distance Time Distance Avg Pace Avg HR Max HR
1 00:05:01 1 05:01:00 149 161
2 00:05:22 1 05:22:00 165 169
3 00:05:36 1 05:36:00 170 173
4 00:05:58 1 05:58:00 171 176
5 00:06:21 1 06:21:00 172 175
6 00:06:40 1 06:40:00 174 177
7 00:06:48 1 06:48:00 176 179
8 00:03:11 0.51 06:12:00 177 180
Summary 00:44:57 7.51 05:59:45 169 180

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