Sunday, August 15, 2010

2-in-1 Run : 4km Barefoot Run

After the long run yesterday, I decided to do a 2-in-1 run (recovery + barefoot run) my usual running route this morning.
Anyway, this is my virgin barefoot run at such distance. Even though my timing was 5 minutes slower, I felt good to be able to complete it without any pain or blisters.

The take-away for the run?
1. No Blisters/Pain after run .
2. Self-Discovery - The 4km barefoot run make me realised that I need to correct my running gait further (e.g.. i tend to do painful landing with my toe instead of landing on the balls). Anyway, I guess by doing a few more of such run would really helps to correct my gait in the long run.

p/s- There are many crazy people in this world, i guess I might be one of them. :)


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