Sunday, August 22, 2010

Good timing!!! 4km Barefoot Run!

This is a horrible week, I was out of action for the week due to the flu virus. The worst thing is that I am not prepared for IPPT this coming Friday! ): Feeling stress, I manage to run a 4km barefoot this morning. As horrible as the week can be, my watch was unable to acquire the GPS signal for the initial 2km. Luckily I was running my standing 4km running route and thus able to log my running timing. The only good news I have was that I came back at 23:07 for 4.3km (7 sec more than my personal best timings with shoes). Looks like sufficient rest + improving my running gait does helps. Anyhow, I still need a miracle on this friday to improve my grading for IPPT..... stay tuned..... p/s - i am still blister and pain free from the barefoot running!!!! :)

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