Monday, June 29, 2009

An unpleasant encounter with 1 internet service provider

To Whom it may concern,

This is an account of an unpleasant experience i have encountered recently:

On 27 Jun 09 (Sun), I went to xxxxxxx VivoCity with the intention to re-contract my Internet Service (Acct No: xxxxxxx). At 1445hr, I approached the receptionist for the queue number. Upon scanning my ID, he 'announced' that I had an outstanding bill of $300+ to be settled before I could qualify for the re-contract. Still, he gave me a number and assured me that the sales counter would be able to assist me. At 1500hr, Mr A serviced me. Again, he claimed that I had an outstanding amount. I clarified that this is impossible as I had paid my bill on 20 Jun via POSB internet banking. Mr A re-checked and was unable to resolve this issue, he referred me to the customer service centre few units away.

After queue waiting for another 40 minutes, Miss B from the customer service serviced me at 1525 hrs. She, yet again, highlighted that I had an outstanding bill of $400+ . I again clarified that this couldn't happen as I paid my bills a week ago and I always make it a point to pay my bills promptly. However she insisted that I had an outstanding bill. For 20 minutes or so, she left me all alone at the counter and did not appear. Frustrated, I told her colleague that i would go for lunch as it was already past 3.30 p.m. Her colleague acknowledged before I left for a quick bite. At 1600hrs, Miss B called my mobile and told me that she checked and indeed I do not have any outstanding bill. I questioned if this is a system or human error and such error should not have happened as it had inconvenienced me. She defended by stating that it is of no fault of the system nor the human and insisted that i have no outstanding bill...... I fumed. I told her that I would be back at the customer service centre to seek more clarity of the issue.

At 1615hr, I seek assistance from the customer service center's reception counter. The receptionist went to look for Miss B but she returned alone and reiterated that I have no outstanding payment, but without explaining to me what happened to make me waited the few wasted hours. Not understanding what exactly transpired, I demanded to see the manager to clarify the matter, the receptionist quickly told me that the manager was busy and couldn't entertain me. She requested for my contact number and said that the manager could contact me once he/she is free. I declined and requested for the names of everyone that created my unpleasant experience. The receptionist again went into the office but never return. This time I was made to wait another 1/2 hour (1630 to 1700hr) before a xxxxxxx Manager, Miss C, serviced me. Miss C referred me to a counter and attempted to do service recovery. After understanding the issues, She, again went into the office claiming to check for me. After some time, she came back and admitted that it was indeed human error and assured me that i had no outstanding payment.

I am utterly disappointed! I went there happily to renew contract with xxxxxxx and ended wasting more than 3 hrs in your xxxxxxx shop + customer service center for being wrongly accused of owing money. What human error is that? What system error is that? And what customer service are you rendering?

With this unhappy encounter, I now demand xxxxxxx to terminate all current services that I have contracted so far (fyi, i called 8 a.m. this morning to cancel my xxxxxxx service but was told that the department would call me shortly... till now (10.30 p.m.), i have not received any call).

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